Tuesday 5 March 2019

Faux Mantel with Vintage Brass Candlesticks

If you are familiar with the Marie Kondo cleaning method, you’ll know that people have been doing massive clean outs of their homes. In an attempt to get rid of  excess items they don’t need, they are donating them en masse to local charity shops. For those of us who like to visit the occasional thrift store in search of a treasure, it’s made the task of finding the “good stuff” much easier! Recently I saw a mantel lined with vintage brass candlesticks on Instagram, and I became obsessed. I loved the idea of lining the top of my faux mantel in a similar way, and I knew I needed to find some ASAP. I started hunting the shops in my area, and with a lot of searching, would come across one or two. I was a little discouraged, thinking that at that rate,I wasn’t going to have my collection until mid-summer. Finally, I hit the jackpot and found five at one shop at one time! I’m still looking for more, but it’s enough to have a sizable collection, and to decorate the mantel.

Vintage Brass Candlesticks for decor

I love how they are all different shapes and sizes, and when I placed them on the mantel, I arranged them in order of size, tallest to smallest.

Vintage brass candlesticks on a mantel

 My neighbor dropped off these gorgeous flowers for me (it was such a treat to get them!), and I thought they were the perfect addition to my mantel decor.

Faux mantel and vintage brass candlesticks

I picked up two sizes of plain white candles at Hobby Lobby, they were super-affordable at just over a dollar a piece. I put one of my Pothos plants in a brass planter on one side to balance out the taller sticks on books on the other.

Vintage brass candlesticks on a faux mantel

 I pulled my Gram’s mirror out of storage, and I love how it goes with the brass. Vintage mirrors are such a great way to add a vintage modern touch to your decorating.

Faux fireplace with vintage mirror, and vintage brass candlesticks

It looks so clean and fresh for early spring/late winter.  The best part is, it’s about a $30 mantel decorating idea!

If you like mantel decor, or are looking for more mantel decorating ideas, you can see inspiration here, and here.


The post Faux Mantel with Vintage Brass Candlesticks appeared first on Jennifer Rizzo.


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