Monday 15 May 2017

A DIY penny tile table top

Happy Monday! I am excited to be back with DecoArt this year as one of their bloggers! I love working with them, and the  creative projects we get to create! I created a penny tile table top table for our challenge this month! We are using their line of Americana outdoor living paints for creating inviting porches and outdoor decor (this post may contain affiliate links.).

I’ve had it in my head for a while to use up some of the extra tile we used in our shower. It’s small penny tile, and we had a few boxes left that were opened and we couldn’t return them. I also had grout left from our recent kitchen subway tile backsplash project (which I still think is amazing.) I wanted to use. I had a table design in my head, and I hit the hardware store for supplies. I found a round top, some poplar 2 x 3’s, and copper colored strapping for pipes. I also picked up L-brackets, which happen to be one of my  favorite building supplies ever. I know, I have that kind of weirdness. The total was around $30 for the supplies that I didn’t have.

Supplies to make a small outdoor tile top table

Now, FYI, I am not a table builder, and I had no plans. I was just kind of winging it to match the picture in my head. In fact, it was two trips to the Home Depot because I forgot the strapping the first time. To make the legs,I cut one 2 x 3 ‘s. I made the cuts so that one piece was 2 inches taller than the other and screwed them together.This way the top would have something to rest on for more support,and I wanted the design to be interesting to look at. The table sits about 15 inches off the ground. I know it won’t hold a ton of weight, so I wouldn’t stand on it, but it should be fine for a few raspberry gin fizzes and a magazine or two. I also had it in my head that it was going to be this really awesome, bright blue color, and really pop on my deck.

Tile top table DIY parts painted

I pre-painted everything first, thinking it was going to be such a time saver later, and that I was so clever, because that way I wouldn’t  have to paint around the L-brackets later…

Ha ha. Just wait. Pre-planning generally gets me nowhere.

L brackets to attach table legs

I let that dry and assembled. I glued and used the gold l-brackets to attach the legs to the round top, realizing I really didn’t need to have the top painted since I was going to be tiling it, so I made it the underside. I figured this way it would be sealed from the elements.

Copper colored strapping as an edge

After that, I flipped it over and added my strapping as an edge. Because it has holes,I ran a piece of painters tape around it when I grouted to keep it from squeezing out like  a Play Doh Fun Factory .

Tile laid out for a DIY penny tile table

I really didn’t want to have to do the whole rigamarole of cutting tile, to I opted to lay it out first before using the tile adhesive and see how I could jigsaw puzzle pieces in for the penny tile table top. The grout would fill the empty spaces where the tile don’t quite meet the edge.

Penny tile top table in blue

I took it outside to finish it, by painting the trim in gold, and adding some decorative L-brackets on the top of the legs. You know what. I hated it… in blue. I mean, I love the paint color, it just didn’t look right for me. Luckily, I have so much paint, that I went through my stash and found a pretty gray paint,so, I repainted it. So much for pre-planning.

Penny tile table top in gray paint

And then I loved it painted gray.

Round tile top in penny tiles for outside

It’s the perfect little table for our outdoor space.

Outdoor deck seating area

Sitting out on our deck reading is one of my favorite summer past times, and now we have a little table to complete the space.

The birch tree has really grown in the last few years, and adds nice dappled summer shade and privacy.

Seating area on a deck with a DIY penny tile table top

These are the paint colors I used before…. and after. Ha ha ha.

DecoArt paint colors

As you can see, I’ve used them for quite a few projects.  Morning Glory, Patio , and Gold .OUtdoor deck area

DIY pennt tile table top close up for under $30

 I’ll let you know how it holds up after a bunch of extreme Chicago weather. There’s always a chance it could see rain, heat, and hail in one day. I am hoping to get a few seasons out of it!

The post A DIY penny tile table top appeared first on Jennifer Rizzo.


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